Oct 11, 2008

Autumn Saturday

This week it REALLY feels like Fall. In fact, it FROZE for the first time last night! The leaves are sure to change color quickly now. It is strange to be having such cold weather already but maybe we'll have another warm spell before the cold sets in for many months ahead.

Today we took the kids to Seven Oaks Farm. They had a great time petting the goats, riding ponies, frosting cupcakes, picking out pumpkins and playing together outside. Finn took in all the sights from the comfort of the cozy stroller. (He turns 6 months next week!) The day was made complete with a cup of hot apple cider as we sat in the sunshine on a beautiful, sunny, cold & crisp October Saturday.


  1. Awww... looks like a very fun day. Cupcakes look good too.

    We stopped on the way home from church today at a growers on 238, and picked up some apples and a pumpkin--a cute little one that seemed to shout in recognition when it saw me, so I had to take it home. :)

    Think we'll head out to Lost Creek Lake today. We've never taken Dargo there, but it was a favorite spot to take Hiero. We used to walk the dam a lot, and there's lots of trails. But lots of ticks too! So, Dargo's first trip to the lake, coming up after lunch.

  2. what a fun outing! great pictures... thanks for sharing with us all!
